Episode - https://laracasts.com/series/lets-build-a-livewire-app/episodes/2
In this series Josh Cirre will build a Livewire app with Volt Class API. I never had the chance to look at Volt, so very excited about it.
This first episode is about setting up a new project with Breeze, creating the first Volt component with php artisan make:volt
and installing event broadcasting and Reverb.
The app will allow users to create listening parties for podcasts. Users can join a party and chat while they listen in real time.
Josh lists out the main use cases: a user can create a listening party and users can join and interact with a listening party. For each he writes down the main actions users can perform. From there he derives the models needed:
Listening party
From here I can see where the next episode is going. He described at a high level the app from top to bottom. Then from the bottom is where he’ll start building. So next up will be models and migration to build our database.