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Luca Ubiali Web Developer

How to Contribute to Open Source - 12 and 13/13 - Implementing Feedback: Part 2

August 24th, 2024
Continuous Learning

This episode is about adding helper methods to the form function to call prompts directly instead of through a callback.

The approach is: alter one test to use the desired methods (which don’t exist yet), see it fail, do a quick&dirty code change to see it go back to green.

The initial implementation uses the magic __call method inside FormBuilder like this:

1public function __call(string $prompt, array $arguments)
3 $prompt = "\\Laravel\\Prompts\\{$prompt}";
5 if(! function_exists($prompt)) {
6 throw new BadFunctionCallException("The prompt [{$prompt}] does not exist.");
7 }
9 return $this->add(function () use ($prompt, $arguments) {
10 return $prompt(...$arguments);
11 });

The flaw of the implementation above is that we don’t have IDE support for any of the form methods (text, select, etc).

To get around it there are a couple options:

  • use class annotation to list the methods available similarly to how is done with facades

  • actually implement the methods and wrap them around the _call() method

The second option is the one chosen as the first one doesn’t seem to save much of the work anyway.

Turns out that implementation is pretty simple:

1public function intro(string $message): self
3 return $this->callPrompt("\\Laravel\\Prompts\\intro", get_defined_vars());
6protected function callPrompt(string $prompt, array $arguments): self
8 if(! function_exists($prompt)) {
9 throw new BadFunctionCallException("The prompt [{$prompt}] does not exist.");
10 }
12 return $this->add(function () use ($prompt, $arguments) {
13 return $prompt(...$arguments);
14 });
17public function __call(string $prompt, array $arguments)
19 $prompt = "\\Laravel\\Prompts\\{$prompt}";
21 return $this->callPrompt($prompt, $arguments);

Bonus from this lesson is how to squash all the WIP commits created along the way. I do use WIP commits a lot, so this is a card I’ll play soon on my projects.

  1. get the commit hash of the first WIP commit

  2. git reset —soft <hash>

    1. this un-dos all the changes locally, but because of the —soft flag, all changes to the files are still present

  3. git add . && git commit -m “some meaningful message“

  4. git push -f